Abseiling High Rise Painters
When it comes to painting of difficult hi-rise locations, you can be confident our abseil painters know exactly how to get there and get the job done right the first time.
The system we use from start to finish revolves around SAFETY! by using safety as our main priority it ensures everyones confidence to get the job complete relatively quickly with a professional finish....bearing in mind we are hanging from the roof ..... by a rope!
We will repair the render thats cracking 16 floors up.....we can clean the building using our unique rope systems and specialist machinery. Repair and paint any surface that requires it.
By using MDC and our ABSEILING TEAM - it saves you thousands in costs, no need for that scaffold.
We cater for all buildings large and small, from 3 stories to the highest 'high rise' on the coast.
Call MDC for more information
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Secure your spot now! Whether you're planning ahead or looking for last-minute arrangements, we're ready to accommodate you.